Monday, October 6, 2008

So much to could be a book!

Aloha everyone, special shout out to our boys, Logan and Liam. Hi boys, LOVE YOU LOTS. I hope grandma told you what Aloha is Hello in Hawaiian. So when you get to school Logan you can say Aloha to your friends and teacher.

Now....on to our small adventures.
Sorry the pictures are in reverse order. We haven't gotten this blog stuff quite mastered yet. Saturday was our lazy day, we decided to hang out at the pool to soak up some sun and rest! We all got some sun..maybe a little too much, but not that bad. Skye got a pretty picture of a flower on our resort that I thought I would put up here since it turned out so well.

We then went off to get some groceries. Prices are CRAZY on the island. We found some milk at Costco for $ was $8.00 at one of the local stores (called BIG funny)! After shopping, it was time to get ready for Tonya's big birthday dinner. While everyone was taking a snooze, I snuck out and found a fresh flower lai for Tonya to wear. We ate out at the Beach House, and left early to try and catch the sunset. Unfortunately it was slightly cloudy, so we really didn't see it. However, we still got great pictures. Dinner was fabulous, we had the best table in the place, and Tonya had her birthday cake!

Sunday we decided to try to see one of the local waterfalls. Opaekaa falls was the name of this particular one, and when we got there, there was a scenic overlook spot to view them from. It was a little disappointing however, since it was kind of far off and not as large as we were hoping. We still got some good pictures and afterwards decided to go exploring. We drove further up the road until we couldn't go any further...literally, since the road crossed a moving river (or rather the river crossed the road) and the only vehicles crossing were big trucks and SUVs. We parked the car and found a trail that we hiked up about 2 miles. Took some good pictures on the way up and when we reached the top we could see the ocean and some mountains for several miles.
This was where we called the boys from. There are a couple of pictures of us on the phone with Logan and Liam saying hi! See us on top of the mountain boys?!

After getting back and relaxing a bit, we got ready for the Luau (big Hawaiian feast). It was held at the Hyatt just down the beach from us. This place is absolutely gorgeous, a 5 star resort, and the Luau was top notch. The dancers and musicians were great and the food was FANTASTIC. Skye ate two huge plates...I'm not sure where he put it all, seriously. They had some nice gifts outside the luau and picked up a couple nice things (including a little something for Logan!)

Thats it for now. We are about to head out to take on the new day and make some more memories to blog about later.


Dawn said...

WOW...looks like you are all having a great time!! ENJOY EVERY MINUTE :) Great updates and you make me so jealous :)

The Tree House said...

It looks like you are having a great time!!! I love pictures. You two look very cute together. :) Have a great rest of the trip.
