Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ALERT----ALERT----I have been hijacked.

Hey everyone...just an fyi. Some of you, in fact most of you probably have received email from my account asking for money. NO I AM NOT stranded in Georgia, which I am sure you all knew, and I am working on fixing the problem. Somehow my email account has been hijacked. They changed the password on me, and I can't get back on. I think I have an alternate email on it, which might be work, but i can't seem to get connected to work either. VPN won't connect. So, working with MSN now to have them reset it and send it to another email account.
Now on to our adventures....
Not a whole lot went on yesturday other then the timeshare presentation....and me getting sick. I don't care to go any further then that, but no pictures to show you. Sorry. Today we will be going on a ATV adventure, where we drive ATV's into the depths of the forest here...we get to see 5 waterfalls, and actually swim in them. Which we will be in need of doing, since we will be getting very muddy. Thats about to you later. Mahala

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