Saturday, October 4, 2008


We are here in paradise. We got in yesterday about 5:00. Flight was LOOONNNNGGG, but definitely worth it. Tonya and I went to bed pretty early, 9:00, that is MN time of 1:00 am! And....we woke up this morning at 4:30 am, MN 8:30 am. So, schedules a little off, but I think we will adjust. Good thing is, we were up in time for the sunrise which happens around 6:30. So we went out to the point to get some pictures. However, the darn clouds were out there, so we didn't actually get a good look at it. We did take some pictures and a video. So enjoy...we certainly did while taking them. It is gorgeous here. Today's agenda really is just hanging out by the pool, catching some rays, having a few drinks and RELAXING. We have dinner plans tonight because we are celebrating Tonya's big BIRTHDAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONYA! I will probably only blog every other day, internet costs us $10/day, little to pricy. ENJOY

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