Monday, December 22, 2008

Liam funny!

Well as a mom of two growing boys, what can she say to a comment like this!
I crouched down to help Liam put his boots on, and all of a sudden he says "Mommy that's a tunnel, see right there, that is a tunnel." He then proceeded to show me the tunnel, and demonstrate his hand going into the tunnel. Can anyone give a guess what that tunnel was?

Oh that Liam of mine!

Friday, December 19, 2008

 yes I am a poor blogger. Sorry. Been so busy ever since we got back that I haven't taken the time. It is now December and only 6 days till xmas. I have no idea where the time went. are a few things that have happened since Kauai.
1. Halloween
Logan was a stormtrooper and Liam was a monkey! We carved pumpkins of course, and Skye's was the biggest by far. My team leader from work grows large pumpkins, and gave us one of his "small" ones, yeah, it weighed 200 lbs!

2. Liams 3rd birthday was on Nov. 22nd. We decided to have a kids birthday celebration since his birthday for the last two years was either the day before Turkey day or the day of. We had a party at the new "House of Bounce" place. It is just a huge buildings full of inflatable fun! Needless to say, they all had a great time. Liam loved his party. When all the kids sang to him his eyes just lit up. He felt very special that day! are backwards. Still not the best blogger. Think that will be all until after xmas. I am sure I will have plenty to talk about then. Until then, hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!